Friday 17 January 2020

No.164 : The Do-Over (2016)

Oh no! That old ‘Does a hyphen discount a film from definite article status?’ chestnut again. As previously advised it does not, and if you think I’m watching this piece of tosh and not writing about it you have another thought coming!

The film opens with David Spade - the clues were there from the off! - attending his high school reunion. He meets up with Max, Adam Sandler doing his usual, and the pair share some truths about their lives since they were at school. Spade has married the prom queen but she’s likely boning her ex whilst leaving Spade to raise her terrible twins. Spade has a job in a bank in a supermarket and although this is shown as a demeaning, dead end job it helps towards the end when he displays some frankly unbelievable web-fu and high finance skills.

Sandler says he’s a FBI agent and is stalked by his nutty girlfriend, Kathryn Hahn. After a few product placement Coronas the pair part, with Spade later taking an offer to meet with Sandler on his yacht. They have a great day but when the yacht explodes Sandler explains his plan - let’s ditch our dull lives and take over those of two dead bodies that he’s taken ownership of in his real job as a coroner. Spade quickly agrees despite Sandler lying to him throughout.

A secret agenda is however in play and there will be many more twists and turns before the real plan is revealed. Can ether of the misfits find happiness and why is the cure to cancer so important? Has Spade really nailed that hot chick or are other agendas in play?

This was a pretty formulaic comedy with only jokes and humour left out of the mix. Sandler makes no effort at characterisation and is basically a dick throughout. He’s later revealed to have proper motivations, but for the most part he’s just being an asshole and wrecking people's lives. Fair enough when it’s David Spade’s but that 100 minutes of my life he’s taken with nothing in return.

To be fair the sunny locations and bikinied lovelies are nice but you do get the sense that everyone involved is having far more fun than you the viewer. There were a couple of subplots such as a haphazard American Express investigator who keeps getting hurt and Mike off ‘Veep’ who for some reason was asked to do an annoying accent.

For your money you also get some torture and genital mutilation but that only goes so far to redress the boredom threshold. The woman characters are very poor with one shameful scene at the end seeing two of them have a full on cat fight whilst the men stand back and shrug - Chicks eh?!

If you have even a two laugh criteria you’ll find this film lacking and there wasn’t even a Rob Schneider cameo to keep me distracted.

The film ends with a bit of hope for us all in the form of a cancer cure being found up David Spade’s ass. That pretty much sums up the film’s ambitions set against what it delivered.

THE Tag Line : We’ll always have the women on the boat. 24%

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